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Chill Challenged: gTrend Teen Report Preview #1

Breaking through To Chill-Challenged Teens

What does it take to reach the teen market today? The question can’t be adequately answered until it’s understood that teens consider technology a fundamental part of their lives, not a nice-to-have accessory.  Having been immersed in technology almost since birth, teens are unable to relax without it. They are accustomed to having every moment of their time, even “downtime,” being filled.  In the new gTrend Teen Report to be released in September, we refer to this generation of teens as Chill Challenged.  During a typical day, Chill Challenged teens spend nearly twice as much time online, using their cell phones or watching TV, rather than doing homework.  With affordable, accessible technology, there are few—if any—occasions when teens are not fully engaged in some entertainment or communication device.

What does this mean for marketers? It’s clear that breaking through is infinitely harder than it ever has been.  To understand the strategies likely to work with today’s teens, contact GTR Consulting at gtrend@gtrconsulting.com, or 415.713.7852.