What’s the deal with teens and Facebook? Part of teens’ nature is they are consistently inconsistent. So, while teens are “over” Facebook they still use it (http://tinyurl.com/q352rp2). For teens, there is no question that Facebook is not as cool, (or as used) as it once was—and not nearly as cool as Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter (http://tinyurl.com/m3z446y)–but it is still a source and resource in their lives. It’s like our DVD or Blue Ray players – we can’t get rid of them quite yet, they’re still (occasionally) useful and we have a great deal invested in them!
Vigeos & Insights
Inspired by the “Sex-T” ™ trend of the gTrend Teen Report by GTR Consulting — Today we are going to address some rumors about teens’ views on sex and reveal whether they are Totally True or Not Completely True. Keep in mind that, as with everything about this generation, Millennials have complicated and sometimes contradictory feelings about sex. Rumor #1: Today’s teens are more open to and supportive of same-sex relationships and the LGBT community in general. TOTALLY TRUE. This generation more than any other is in favor of gay rights and same-sex marriage. Seven in ten people born after 1981 support […]
By MARTHA IRVINE — Sep. 4, 2014 12:43 PM EDT CHICAGO (AP) — They’re often pegged as the civic-minded, do-gooding generation. But while they’re still optimistic about their own personal prospects, a new study finds that today’s youth are often more skeptical of the country’s institutions than the young generations that preceded them. The Millennials also are as mistrusting of other people as the gloomy “slackers” of Generation X were 20 years ago — or even more so. Jean Twenge, lead author of the study that will be published early this month in the online edition of the journal Psychological Science, […]
BY MARTHA IRVINE, ASSOCIATED PRESS CHICAGO (AP) They are lined up in the freezing rain, waiting patiently, stubbornly. All night. All for a few pairs of shoes. Sean Rivera is among the 60 or so die-hards on this sidewalk along Chicago’s Magnificent Mile shopping district. He looks a little crazy, smiling and squinting through fogged glasses. But the 28-year-old college counselor doesn’t care. He’s used to being judged like that, used to “being criticized by peers and family members and neighbors,” he says, laughing. It’s all part of the life of “sneakerheads,” people who spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars […]
BY TIM BARKER ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH – 02/28/2010 There was a time when Sarah Truckey had a close relationship with her blog. The St. Louis-based freelance writer visited it every couple of days, sharing stories and thoughts with anyone willing to read them. But today, the intervals between visits are growing longer as Truckey, 25, increasingly turns to social networking site Twitter to talk to the world. She likes the way Twitter limits entries to 140 characters, forcing her to keep those missives short. “The blog posts wouldn’t necessarily get me in trouble. But I would end up revealing more […]
BY AISHA SULTAN ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH – 01/25/2010 Emily Tedford, 13, is having dinner with her parents at a Brazilian restaurant, and 20 of her closest friends know she has ordered the grilled pineapple and banana. It’s just one of hundreds of text messages she’ll send tonight. Emily, an A student in St. Charles, sends nearly 20,000 texts a month, as she has for the last two years since she got her phone. She is one of the übertexters, with the phone pad chronically attached to her thumbs. Her parents, Paul and Rebecca Tedford, aren’t too concerned. They periodically monitor […]
Do teens constitute an audience for marketers when they’re visiting social sites? Oct 5, 2009 – Mark Dolliver, Adweek NEW YORK Teenagers are a mystery to most adults. New technology and media are another mystery to many adults. Combine these mysteries and you have ample opportunity for adult misperception of how teenagers use and feel about new technology and media. Some recent research works to get beyond popular misconceptions and provide a look at how teens actually engage with these things, including the advertising they encounter along the way. Based on quantitative and qualitative research conducted between January and April, […]
September 25th, 2009 by brand-e.biz By Steve Mullins. Teen feeling. Ambassatechs have become the bridge between companies trying to figure out the next big thing and parents seeking to determine which new piece of technology to buy, according to the gTrend Teen Report from US-based GTR Consulting. Ambassatechs? They’re those trendsetting young consumers whose judgment and behavior are the best barometer of future technology adoption, the consultancy reckons. ”Today, adults take their technology cues from teens, whose ability to incorporate innovation into their lives far exceeds their parents’. Nothing may be more important to successfully engaging teens than understanding their […]
By Tim Barker ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH 10/05/2009 While technology plays some role in virtually every person’s life in this country, today’s teenagers face a world far different from that of previous generations. They live in a time when the only true constant is change. That forces them to learn to adapt quickly to new devices and forms of communication, while also introducing new stresses into their lives. How they deal with it is the subject of a recent study by Gary Rudman, a California-based market researcher who specializes in kids and teens. His company, GTR Consulting, recently completed its gTrend […]
Tech-savvy teens have become the bridge between two worlds that absolutely need each other today: Companies trying to figure out the next big thing and parents seeking to determine which new piece of technology to buy. The gTrend Teen Report describes this new breed of teens as Ambassatechs, those trendsetting young consumers whose judgment and behavior are the best barometer of future technology adoption. Because of their comfort with technology, teens have become the household’s de facto experts on everything from personal computers and cell phones to digital cameras and television sets. The gTrend Teen Report found that one […]